How to prepare for the Olympiad

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” On a personal note, what you are you are because you dream to be it. Your enthusiasm to live the dream makes you work for it. And hard work always pays off. Winning an Olympiad is a dream of every child andContinue reading “How to prepare for the Olympiad”

Yoga- Techniques and Science

‘Asna Pranayam Mudra Bandhan ‘ is an epic book of yoga by Swami Satyananda, bihar school of yoga. Swami Satyanada spread the knowledge of yoga to every corner of the world and also founded bihar school of yoga. He spread the slogan of ‘serve, love, give’ and transferred his treasure to million people. The bookContinue reading “Yoga- Techniques and Science”

More The Time, More the merrier

Quarantine is a time gifted by God to us to pause, think and revive our strengths and weaknesses, our relations and bounds, our culture and traditions. We may loose some pennies on the way but I am sure we will gain some Betty love and commitment on the way to freedom. While some of usContinue reading “More The Time, More the merrier”

The fitness tales

Many quotes have been said, many articles have been written and many philosophies have been done too on the Yoga. Even, there has been bets on the origin of yoga too. I will share why I reinstated yoga into my life.   It happened when I was engrossed into stomach ulcer. The medical treatments couldContinue reading “The fitness tales”

The fitness tales

Many quotes have been said, many articles have been written and many philosophies have been done too on the Yoga. Even, there has been bets on the origin of yoga too. I will share why I reinstated yoga into my life.   It happened when I was engrossed into stomach ulcer. The medical treatments couldContinue reading “The fitness tales”

Yoga -fit and Unfat Series -2

thesunytales Veerbahdra yoga pose/ warrior pose Stand straight in Tadaasna. Breathe in. Move your right leg forward around 4 feet from the left leg so that both legs are in a linear alignment. Let the left leg bend to the angle of 45 degree and right leg at an angle of 90 degree. Waist facingContinue reading “Yoga -fit and Unfat Series -2”

Yoga- fit and unfat!

thesunytales This week I will be posting yoga poses sketches and write-ups. For all the beginners, who want to get up on the mat but don’t from where to start. First and foremost I will suggest ladies to stop worrying about body weight all the time. Just make peace with what you have. It simplyContinue reading “Yoga- fit and unfat!”

A Healthy Tomorrow

  Kids are the best imitators, so give them something worth to imitate. I have initiated kids yoga awareness program. The motive is to inculcate the habit of exercise and yoga into their daily lives. I do this through fun and small related concepts. The kids yoga @thesunytales includes warm up exercises, animal yoga andContinue reading “A Healthy Tomorrow”

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