Yoga -fit and Unfat Series -2

thesunytales Veerbahdra yoga pose/ warrior pose Stand straight in Tadaasna. Breathe in. Move your right leg forward around 4 feet from the left leg so that both legs are in a linear alignment. Let the left leg bend to the angle of 45 degree and right leg at an angle of 90 degree. Waist facingContinue reading “Yoga -fit and Unfat Series -2”

Yoga- fit and unfat!

thesunytales This week I will be posting yoga poses sketches and write-ups. For all the beginners, who want to get up on the mat but don’t from where to start. First and foremost I will suggest ladies to stop worrying about body weight all the time. Just make peace with what you have. It simplyContinue reading “Yoga- fit and unfat!”

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